Sunday, August 12, 2007

Today is Sunday....

I am just hanging out. We went to the store yesterday....I was exhuasted by the time it was over. Brad was with me but man....Josey was tired so she threw a fit in the store. Yeah...this was fun. We are putting her back in the cart trying to buckle her in and she is screaming bloody murder. I am looking at people going past staring and saying..."no we are not hurting her." UGH!

Anyway. Today has of course been much calmer....we have been home all day. It is too hot for me to go outside. I think that Brad and Josey went out for a bit to blow bubbles but that was short lived.

I just thought that I would post a short one that I am doing better today. Contractions are still coming but not so frequently. I took a good 2 hour nap and am feeling pretty good. The main complaint I have today is that I am dealing with the all fun and exciting pregnancy problem....constipation! Woo hoo! That is always fun. I took some stool softeners last night and those are working...and I am glad to report that because I thought that I might have some serious problems...but apparently not.

Anyway, enough about pooping! I have a doc appt. in the am and a growth u/s. I am excited to see the babies again, and also to find out just how big they are getting. I am also glad to go in to talk to the doc about all this action my uterus is seeing!

I will try to update soon...hope you are all well.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

25 weeks...oh my! has been a while. I spend plenty of time online checking the pregnancy forums that I love so much but finding the energy to blog has been tough. I am exhausted. To those of you who read to get apologies. Here comes an update....and there is lots!

So about 2 weeks ago, 23 weeks pregnant, I went into Labor and Delivery with contractions that were very bothersome to me. Mainly when I was active but then they started happening no matter what. I drank a ridiculous amount of water, 92 ounces, and spent the day laying on the couch on my left side. Josey was pretty good about playing by herself and got to see more than her fair share of TV that day too. By the time the afternoon rolled around and nothing had really changed the doc said to go to L and D. So off we went. After about 2-3 hours hooked up to monitors that were checking baby heart rates and measuring the intensity of contractions we were sent home....oh yeah and two manual cervix checks. Yeah those were fun. For those of you who have those parts I will tell you the good news is that my cervix is still high...and they did not need to tell me that....I could tell during the check!!! cervix was not opening so that was good.

They sent me home with a diagnosis of irritable uterus. To which I ask...what is not irritable in pregnancy? :) Brad seconded that question. Ha ha! anyway...basically with two babies growing in there, four hands and feet kicking like crazy along with the stretching my uterus is doing to accommodate all the other pregnancy stuff it causes irritability. Which means that I often have contractions when moving around. Going to the bathroom, getting up from a chair or the couch, whatever. Movement in general. But since there were no changes to the cervix there was no bed rest prescribed. Just resting in general. I scale it back some...for a few days. It is tough to do you know? I have a 2.5 yo to take care of and run around with. Every morning she wakes up and asks where are we going today Mommy?

So that was a few weeks ago. In between there we had a 3d/4d u/s done. What fun! We got such a preview as to their personalities. Okey(A) is the farthest down, closest to the cervix, and head down. Dokey(B) is higher up and in this u/s was basically sitting his/her siblings head. Yes that is right....sitting on the head. Poor Okey was mushed between my uterus and their sibling! Check this out!
It is not terribly easy to see but in the middle of the pic you can make out Okey's face and on the right is Dokeys back. Look closely...

so the coolest thing about 3d u/s is that you get a chance to really see the babies faces and features...most who have seen them agree that we have one baby, Okey, who looks like Josey, which means me, and one, Dokey, who looks like Brad. For those of you who know us...check these out!

It was also fun to watch them hit and push each other. That may sound bad but it really is amusing to watch Okey push at Dokey's back to try to get some space. Judging by the action in my belly I would guess that this happens a lot. They are separated by a thin membrane that is really elastic so they are able to touch each other often even though they are in their own sacs. Pretty cool to see!

We still declined to find out the sexes although the tech said she knew and would tell us if we changed our minds...tempting but we will wait. I still think it is a boy and a girl. We are narrowing names down...but don't even ask. We won't tell!

So this week...Wednesday I started the day with a lot of cramping low down in my tummy. I thought that maybe I has gas or something so I did not worry too much. I took Josey to the doc, she had some booster shots to get, and came home and laid down. By this time I was getting pretty regular contractions and cramping. Which kind of freaked me out. I called the doc's office in the afternoon since I had tried everything I knew to improve the situation. They suggested L and D again.

Off we went. Hooked up to monitors, checking cervix the whole bit again. This time I am having contractions more frequently, the cramping is not getting better. They were concerned that maybe my uterus was gearing up for pre-term labor. They gave me the option to stay or go home. Cervix still high and closed. I decided to go home. They made me promise to come back if things got any worse.

Over night I was able to sleep some. Still cramping and contracting. Got up in the am and thing were definitely stronger. So we decided to go back. Called my friend to come get Josey for the day for us. We went down and were monitored and checked again. The only difference this time is that my cervix is now shortening. Not opening yet but getting shorter. Now this can probably be expected by this time anyway so...not that big of a deal but still somewhat of a concern.

They sent me home. The doc that released me said she was not going to put me on bed rest at this point in time but cautioned that I need to be taking it REALLY EASY. So I have been trying to do that. Yesterday was a rough day. I felt awful, tired, crampy and scared. They also did an u/s to check the positions of the babies and they are both head down ready to come out the chute.(and still beating each other up!) I keep telling them that I love them but don't want to meet them yet! Stay babies stay!

SO right now I have put myself on a type of modified bed rest. I will not be going out much and not really doing too much at home. If I get up and start to move around and get contractions I will sit down and rest a bit. Josey is bored sometimes but still handles it ok. Her and Daddy went to the races last night but I will blog about that on her blog.

Here are my 24 week belly pictures. I am now 51 inches around. yeah....51 inches. I am huge as my husband and daughter like to say...I would take offense but I kind of agree!
24 weeks 24 weeks belly button and here is a 22 weeker to compare to...

Sunday, July 8, 2007 has been a while. Sorry about that!

Things are good. I am 21 weeks tomorrow. I go for doctor appts. every two weeks, which is a little daunting but do-able.

Here are the updates and stats. Starting at 16 weeks doc started to check my cervix, with a lovely transvaginal u/s(if you have had one you know how much fun this is). My cervix has to be above 2 cm to be good and long with no concern for pre-term labor....I have been measuring consistently at about 5. Yayy for the cervix of steel! This really is a good thing. I do not know what we do if I had to go on bedrest with Josey here at home with me. It is still always a possibility but with the concerns of a incompetent cervix quickly going away I am feeling more confident.

My blood pressure is still consistently low, 96 over 63 this last time. This is also good as it means I am out the running for pre-eclamsia/PIH at this point in time. There have been no concerns with urine obviously since I give on every time....and my weight is great...I have only gained 11 pounds so far! Yayy for me!

Ok....the fun stuff...babies! I went for my 20 week anatomical scan on Friday. This is the one where they measure everything and make sure that babies are growing on track and matching gestational age etc. All looked good. We have two bouncing beautiful babies in there. They were all over the place. It was so much fun to watch their little arms waving around and feet kicking. The bladder shots they kept taking were not fun however BUT I can deal with that. We are calling the babies Okey(twin A) and Dokey(twin B), this was Josey's idea....well Brad helped too. SO....Okey weighs 13 ounces right now, estimate of course, and had a heart rate of 150. Dokey was 12 ounces and had a heartrate of 143. I find it interesting that their heartrates are starting to get closer...they have been as different as 150 and 136 you will see in past blog entries will be interesting to watch that change. We did not find out the sexes. For those of you who really really want us to....sorry. They were head down and feet up too....we could have but we held out and I am glad that we will be surprised honestly. I think that we have one of each in there, but Brad thinks that there are two girls in there. Honestly whatever is fine....two boys scares me BUT I know others who have done it so....we will figure it out. It think that was it with the babies.

Here are some current pics of my big ol' belly and baby pics too. Oh that was the other thing....I was at the end of my 20th week when I went in and I am measuring 27 weeks. This is not unusual...just surprising to hear. I feel as big as I was with Josey when I was 6 months along....and apparently I am that and then some. Oh well...I love my pregnant belly!

Love to all...more later!

me at 18 weeks

20 weeks

20 weeks-losing my belly button!